clinical skills

Chest compression efficacy of child resuscitators

In a cardiac arrest, a 911 dispatcher can often coach a bystander to perform chest compressions if CPR has not been initiated. In the case that a lightweight resuscitator such as a child has made the...

Influence of time on the predictive value of the post-resuscitation ECG

To investigate the influence of time on the predictive value of the post-ROSC ECG, patients over the age of 18 were sought who had experienced an OHCA, had been successfully resuscitated, had received...

PaRamEDIc assessment of laCTate in OHCA and survival to hospital (PREDICT protocol)

Lactate is produced by most tissues in the human body, with the highest level of lactate production found in muscle (Consoli et al, 1990). In healthy subjects, lactate is the result of pyruvate...

Prehospital osmotherapy in isolated traumatic brain injury: a systematic review

TBI is the leading contributor to mortality, morbidity and disability globally, accounting for 30% of injury-related deaths in those aged 18–45 (Mangat, 2018). TBI is a national health priority, as...

Mechanical chest compressions and survival in the emergency setting

This systematic review will endeavour to demonstrate whether the use of a mechanical chest compression device will be a positive factor in improving survival in the cardiac arrest scenario. In...

Prehospital thrombolysis for STEMI where PPCI delays are unavoidable

Benger's (2016) research for the National Institute For Health Research (NIHR) noted that more than 30 000 cardiac arrests occurred outside the hospital in England every year (Benger, 2016; Out of...

Prehospital neuromuscular blockade post OHCA: UK's first paramedic-delivered protocol

The aim of this study was to report on the administration of paramedic-delivered NMBA, which started on 1 April 2016 at SECAmb, and examine this practice innovation and its acceptability as an...

Point-of-care testing by paramedics using a portable laboratory: an evaluation

The specific aim of the current project was to safely reduce the number of patients conveyed by SECAmb to the ED and thereby improve the patient experience. Having reliable pathology diagnostics...

Changing perspectives in the prehospital management of patients with severe burns

A literature review of the CINAHL, Medline and Cochrane databases was carried out using the keywords ‘burn*’ AND ‘cooling’ OR ‘hypothermia’ OR ‘airway’ OR ‘inhalation’ AND ‘emergency’. The results...

Improving pressure ulcer risk identification: a pilot project by ambulance staff

The project adopted a pragmatic, systematic approach to methods and used a formal ‘Plan, Do, Study, Act’ improvement methodology. This was influenced by traditional models of quality and safety...

Are cervical collars effective and safe in prehospital spinal cord injury management?

A literature review was chosen to source up-to-date research and knowledge, in order to identify areas for further investigation and, ultimately, to gain more knowledge regarding a topic that is of...