Clinical Practice

Paramedic-reported barriers towards use of CPR feedback devices in Perth, Western Australia

A voluntary, anonymous survey was distributed to SJA-WA paramedics participating in clinical refresher and research training courses from September 2015 to December 2015. The survey consisted of 11...

Appropriate pain assessment tools for use in patients with dementia in the out-of-hospital environment

Defining pain is complex; however, it is generally agreed to be an unpleasant, emotive and personal experience (Briggs, 2010; Steeds, 2013). Pain is generally split into two categories: nociceptive...

Is diazepam or lorazepam the most effective benzodiazepine for use in paramedic management of convulsive seizures in adults?

The focus of this review is to compare benefits of diazepam and lorazepam in the pre-hospital care setting. As there is limited evidence, the search criteria were widened to allow data from other...

Pre-hospital risk stratification using a modified thrombolysis in myocardial infarction score: a retrospective medical record review

A retrospective medical record review was conducted using an established methodological approach (Gearing et al, 2006)..

Fit to practise: does more need to be done to improve the health and wellbeing of paramedics?

The physically strenuous nature of a paramedic's job calls for high levels of physical fitness in order to maintain their ability to work, and to stay healthy. Sterud et al (2006) conducted a...

Hyperacute stroke unit training for paramedics

A dedicated stroke training course for paramedics was developed by a multidisciplinary working party, comprising healthcare professionals (from stroke clinician backgrounds) and educationalists, to...

An overview of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Each year approximately 6,000 new cases of HIV are diagnosed within the United Kingdom, adding to over 100,000 people who are known to be living with HIV (Skingsley et al, 2015; Terrence Higgins...

Integrating the 6Cs of nursing into paramedic practice

After taking it to the wider team, we could see where it linked to each area of practice we were teaching and set about embedding it into all of our practice placements and linking it to our teaching...