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Prehospital emergency health services in Qatar

02 November 2022
Volume 14 · Issue 11


The provision of prehospital emergency healthcare around the world varies greatly. Each country implements a delivery model according to its own economy, population, culture, policy and geography, including Qatar. In the past decade, in preparation to host the FIFA 2022 World Cup, significant technological investments have been made to improve and develop the country's prehospital emergency health services. This article is based on an academic visit of two Turkish academics with an interest in prehospital care to Qatar. It was conducted in January 2020 and is supported by information from the literature. Qatar's prehospital healthcare system was found to be highly developed and organised as it is managed by a national ambulance service. Some comparisons are also made with respect to prehospital care in Turkey.

Prehospital emergency healthcare is a vital component of the emergency medical services system in terms of timely and appropriate intervention for sick or wounded patients (Bahadori and Ravangard, 2013). Prehospital care enables the management of emergency interventions based on circumstances and environment and is adapted to the person in need of emergency treatment.

The provision of prehospital emergency health services varies greatly around the world. While doctors are the team leader in ambulances in some countries, paramedics have this responsibility in others, such as in the United States. Others assign either a doctor or a paramedic as the team leader (Page et al, 2013; Wilson et al, 2015).

In the UK, emergency medical services are provided by the NHS and are free of charge to residents and visitors. Emergency calls can be classified as A, B and C using Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System (AMPDS) software. They are classified as category A if the condition is immediately life threatening, category B if the condition is serious but not immediately life threatening and category C if the condition is not immediately life threatening nor serious.

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