Leadership & Management

ParaVR: a virtual reality training simulator for paramedic skills maintenance

Skills development and maintenance for many paramedic emergency procedures are challenging because opportunities to learn and practise are limited. Such procedures may be required in rare and...

PTSD in paramedics: history, conceptual issues and psychometric measures

In 1994, DSM–IV replaced DSM–III, with a major change being the implementation of clinical-significance criterion to almost half of the identified mental disorders, including PTSD (Breslau and...

The zero point survey and egg-timer model combined for crew management

Paramedic working environments are highly complex, unpredictable and fraught with risk. If paramedics are to arrive safely at their patient's side and deliver high-quality, person-centred care, they...

Could mindfulness activity improve occupational health in UK paramedics?

Evidence supporting the effectiveness of mindfulness for health professionals is broad and covers a variety of clinical domains including nursing (Kang et al, 2009; Foureur et al, 2013; Zeller and...

The paramedic profession: disruptive innovation and barriers to further progress

In the UK, paramedics emerged from ambulance staff in the mid-1970s (Baskett et al, 1976; Briggs et al, 1976). They were trained to provide advanced resuscitation using invasive techniques that were...

Effective clinical feedback provision to ambulance clinicians: a literature review

Ivers et al (2012) concluded their systematic review of the effects of feedback on health professional practice by stating that it could lead to small but important improvements and recommended...

Taking a holistic approach to acute mental health crisis

A literature search was carried out using CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO databases, using key words: ‘ambulance’; ‘paramedic’; ‘pre hospital’; ‘emergency’ and ‘mental health’; ‘mental illness’; ‘mental...

Prehospital use of the traction splint for suspected mid-shaft femur fractures

The introduction of the simulation-based training for all operational paramedics had a positive impact on the management of femur fractures. Post intervention, a total of 69 femur fractures were...

The impact of paramedic shift work on the family system: a literature review

The present literature search was conducted between January and March 2017 using the CINAHL, British Nursing Index (BNI), Medline, NHS Evidence and PubMed databases using the University of Brighton...

Scoping ambulance emissions: recommendations for reducing engine idling time

With UK NHS ambulance trusts answering more than 10 million 999 calls in 2017, and the average ambulance vehicle travelling 50 000 miles per year (Lord Carter of Coles, 2018), several ambulance...

Advanced prehospital stroke triage in the era of mechanical thrombectomy

Representing a significantly different vision for prehospital LVO stroke identification, two research articles were published in mid-2018 that present a paradigm shift in the assessment of these...

What is the paramedic's role in smoking cessation?

Train paramedics to give a brief intervention (very brief advice (VBA)) on smoking cessation using the three As (AAAs). The AAAs is an opportunistic brief intervention tool given to all smokers,...