Team Coordinator and Programme Lead, Department of Paramedic Practice and Pre-Hospital Care, Edge Hill University, UK
The articles in this series, which can be torn out for use in practice, are intended to support clinician development and to assist in the overall assessment of patient presentations. The information...
The articles in this series, which can be torn out for use in practice, are intended to support clinician development and to assist in the overall assessment of patient presentations. The information...
Following last month's article, which covered cranial nerves I–VI, cranial nerves VII–XII will be explored and their assessments detailed in this issue. The cranial nerve examination may form part of...
The articles in this series, which can be torn out for use in practice, are intended to support clinician development and to assist in the overall assessment of patient presentations. The information...
The articles are intended to support clinician development and to assist in the overall assessment of patient presentations. The information should be used to support consideration of differential...
Boud (2001:2) describes reflection as a process of ‘turning experience into learning’, with the aim of ‘exploring experience in order to learn new things from it’. Duckworth et al (2010) expand on...
When the heart contracts and blood is ejected from the left ventricle, a pressure wave is generated and transmitted into the aorta and arterial tree. The flexible and elastic nature of artery walls...
After completing this module, the paramedic will be able to:.
In this month's Clinical Skills article, best practice for the administration of intramuscular (IM) injections will be discussed. It is important to re-visit clinical skills as many are taught during...
Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is the volume of air forcefully expelled from the lungs in one quick exhalation. It is a reliable indicator of ventilation capacity as well as airflow obstruction...
An anonymous electronic survey was distributed by Survey Monkey® offering a pragmatic approach as the participants were based across a large geographical area. This also provided a degree of...