Research by Credland et al (2019) addressed the need for non-ambulance placements within the paramedic programme, such as walk-in centres, minor injury units, cardiac assessment units and general...
Of the 50 students who were invited to the simulation activity, 45 attended and 43 gave written consent and took part in the study (96%). Participants were in a broad range of age (18–47 years) and...
The Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) guidelines are often referred to as the prehospital ‘Bible’. They have been the ‘go to’ guidelines for all UK NHS Ambulance services since...
This evaluation is a descriptive account of the implementation of a training session to develop student self-perceptions of self-awareness and self-regulation in encountering clinical situations where...
Using the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) improvement cycle, the Trust's in-house technology enhanced learning (TEL) team created scenarios using the XVR ‘on scene’ platform (XVR Simulation B.V, 2022)....
The aim of this study was to determine if chest compressions performed from a lateral position are more effective than chest compressions performed from an over-the-head position in a cohort of UK...
This retrospective study of student records explored airway procedure variables before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the timing of the pandemic and the start of research, student records...
The primary objective of this study was to detect if there was a DRIFT in the ability of the raters on successive tests during the day—essentially, a fatigue effect..
The study had two aims:.
This study aimed to highlight the experiences of paramedic senior lecturers and their perceptions towards the wellbeing of student paramedics and to explore difficulties around supporting students..
Simulation education allows clinical environments to be replicated so participants can learn, train, rehearse and be assessed (Khan et al, 2011). Benishek et al (2015: 3) describe the three main...
Scoping reviews describe the existing literature and provide a broad overview of the area (Peterson et al, 2017; Sucharew and Macaluso, 2019; Lawn et al, 2020)..