for the South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust, considers the future for paramedics in terms of extended practice, including a discussion of the new Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and College of Paramedics national examination. Also printed is a Position Statement from the College of Paramedics on the designation of paramedics
In the UK, paramedics emerged from ambulance staff in the mid-1970s (Baskett et al, 1976; Briggs et al, 1976). They were trained to provide advanced resuscitation using invasive techniques that were...
The specific aim of the current project was to safely reduce the number of patients conveyed by SECAmb to the ED and thereby improve the patient experience. Having reliable pathology diagnostics...
‘There was widespread feeling among delegates that the paramedic profession in the UK is probably as far advanced as in developed countries’ .
The move from training to education for paramedics is one example of the failure to reform ambulance services to meet the changing nature of demand. Education of the workforce is a prerequisite for...
The second challenge has been recognised for some time and was the subject of a detailed study Life in the Fast Lane, published by the Audit Commission in 1998 (Audit Commission, 1998) and considered...
The past is indeed another country; they do things differently there. In comparatively recent mid-20th century history ambulance services operated to a simple formula, conceived and designed function...
Paramedics were registered in 2001 under the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM) and then later under the Health Professions Council (HPC). The professional body was formed as the...
Perhaps the biggest single prize that we still need to seize is unlocking the full potential of our profession and this means making paramedics ever more relevant and effective in meeting emerging...