Brett Williams

Department of Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice, Monash University

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Frameworks that guide curriculum development in Australian higher education

As paramedicine education is still progressing as an established tertiary institution qualification, it is yet to gain credibility as a scientific discipline. Pertinent to this impasse is whether...

Paramedics developing rapport with the elderly: a pilot study

‘Instructional methods should not be used in the teaching of communication skills, since they are ineffective in comparison with experiential methods’.

Pre-hospital management of cystic fibrosis patients presenting with haemoptysis

Haemoptysis is a commonly reported manifestation within the CF population its incidence increasing with greater life expectancy (Flume et al, 2005). The most common causes of haemoptysis include...

Which paediatric weight formula is best suited for the out-of-hospital field?

‘The APLS weight estimation formula is providing increasingly inaccurate weight estimations…’.

CPR compression depth and rate in relation to physical exertion in paramedic students

All participants completed a purposefully designed questionnaire which included their age and gender, the amount of hours of exercise per week as well as prior CPR experience. All participants were...

Listening and communication styles of undergraduate paramedic students

The listening styles profile (LSP) has been used widely as a standardized measure (Watson et al, 1995). The LSP was originally administered to young adults in the US (Watson et al, 1995). The LSP...

Can wikis be used to support case-based learning in paramedic education?

Furthermore, a range of empirical studies in the use of wikis in higher education indicate a somewhat more complex picture. In 2006, Bower and Richards compared two different types of wikis in two...