David Davis

for allied health professionals, Health and Social Care Information Centre; and director of communications, College of Paramedics.

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A Larrey Society: needed now more than ever

The problems the NHS and private companies are facing today are the worst in memory—yet neither the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE), nor the Independent Ambulance Association (IAA),...

Preview of The Larrey Society Conference—‘EMS…in times of crisis’

‘The debate around emergency and urgent care is one of the most critical for all of us, whether we are NHS employees or not. The response we receive from our public services when we are in a crisis...

The rapid rise of The Larrey Society

‘Plans are well underway on the programme for 2016 which marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Dominique Jean Larrey’ .

The role of informatics in paramedic practice

So, what has informatics got to do with patient safety? The Department of Health says that:.

Social media: the good, the bad and the ugly

‘Ambulance trusts are now tweeting about public health issues, as well as flagging up road accidents’.