Dylan Griffin

Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance.

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Paramedic prescribing: a potion for success or a bitter pill to swallow?

Paramedics traditionally operate in high-risk and often unpredictable environments, dealing with a range of illnesses and injuries from the critically ill, to those patients with low acuity, yet often...

Traumatic brain injuries: Continuing dilemmas in the pre-hospital care arena

Immediate manual inline immobilisation was initiated to prevent further secondary injuries from a possible undiagnosed c-spine fracture, while a primary survey was undertaken. This survey provides a...

Trauma: just another statistic?

Needle thoracocentesis is currently the sole method of pleural decompression adopted by UK ambulance paramedics operating under Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) guidelines for...