Gregory Adam Whitley

Paramedic and PhD Student, Community and Health Research Unit, University of Lincoln

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Factors that influence child conveyance decisions made by prehospital clinicians

A version of the PICO (population, intervention, control and outcomes) tool for rapid reviews specifically for the formation of clinical questions was used (Curtis et al, 2022). This version, PICo...

Novel moving, handling and extraction simulation for students in a soft play area

Of the 50 students who were invited to the simulation activity, 45 attended and 43 gave written consent and took part in the study (96%). Participants were in a broad range of age (18–47 years) and...

The complexity of pain management in children

Fundamental to understanding the process of prehospital pain management in children is an appreciation of pain theory. A number of theories seek to explain the complex phenomenon of pain—the best...