Iain Darby

Programme Lead, Paramedic Science, Bournemouth University; Dorset

Email Iain

Cognitive biases and their effects on practice: a case study reflection

The Patient Assessment Triangle (PAT) (Figure 1) is a rapid assessment tool based on visual and auditory clues (Halliwell et al, 2013). This enables paramedics to articulate a global impression of the...

Paramedic decision-making and the influence of bias: a case study

This incident was assigned to us at 22:25, 35 minutes before our shift was due to finish. We were tired, and our desire to finish on time made us acutely aware of how close this was to the end of our...

What value does peer-assisted learning have in the training of student paramedics?

As an idea originally suggested by the academic team, a meeting was arranged between the paramedic programme team and the university practice learning advisers, who specialise in practice education...