Mike Brady

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The new coronavirus disease: what do we know so far?

As of 7 April 2020, there were more than 1 270 000 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 worldwide and over 68 000 confirmed fatalities (WHO, 2020b). At the same time, in the UK, there was a cumulative total of...

The diagnosis and management of acute cluster headache in the out-of-hospital environment

A review of contemporary literature on cluster headaches has been conducted to inform this article, specifically keeping in mind that any development of practice needs be carefully balanced with...

Care of dying adults in the last days of life: NICE clinical guideline

This guideline, which in part replaces content and the format of the recently disfavoured Liverpool Care Pathway, aims to improve EoLC for people in their last days of life, where paramedics are...

Exploring the role that autonomy plays in achieving a good death: a case study

‘You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life’ .

A good death: key conceptual elements to end of life care

Achieving a “good death for all” is a prominent social and political priority across the western world (Ellershaw et al, 2010); however despite this prominence the concepts of such a death remain...

Health and Care Professions Council: protecting whom?

‘Medical education, evidence-based care, accountability and professionalism are all factors catalysing the modernisation and professionalisation of modern British paramedicine’.

Mortality face to face: Death anxiety in paramedics

‘…ambulance services, along with public bodies, universities and their funders, all need to consider the need for future research into the concept of ‘death anxiety’’.

The concept of a ‘good’ death in pre-hospital care

‘…for the majority of practitioners, death is viewed primarily as a defeat in the face of an uncontrollable force of nature…’.

Using patient experiences of emergency and unscheduled care for quality improvement

The term ‘patient’ is one that has traditionally refected a biomedical provision of care that focused on an unequal relationship with an active practitioner and a passive patient; perhaps best...

Pre-hospital psychosocial care: changing attitudes

Department of Health (DH) (2005) and Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (2011) statistics state that the majority of a paramedic’s workload consists of psychosocial care; however this is...