Savithiri Ratnapalan

Department of Paediatrics and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Academic Educator at the Center for Faculty Development, University of Toronto and a Staff Physician, Division of Emergency Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology andToxicology at the Hospital for Sick Children

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Death notification education for paramedics: Past, present and future directions

Paramedics in an urban and urban/rural area of Ontario were recruited to participate in focus group sessions after ethics approval was obtained from the University of Toronto. Participant and focus...

Legal substances and their abuse: Legal highs

Stimulants such as caffeine, dextromethorphan in cough remedies, cough and cold remedies containing stimulants or antihistamines are misused and abused for improving performance and for their...

Paramedics' experiences with death notification: a qualitative study

Paramedics in urban and urban/rural areas of Ontario were recruited to participate in focus group sessions after ethics approval was obtained from the University of Toronto. A qualitative study of a...