All PCRs from patients assessed by DFB prehospital practitioners in the week starting 27 March 2017 were manually examined by an independent researcher to identify patients with potential sepsis or...
In the UK, ketamine is primarily used as an in-hospital anaesthetic agent; but when used in small doses, can be an effective and safe analgesic (Motov et al, 2015). Unlike morphine, ketamine maintains...
In August 2010, NICE published guidance on the management of T-LOC in adults and young people. The NICE guidance aims to ensure T-LOC patients are directed along the appropriate pathway to receive the...
An internet-based survey entitled the National Ambulance Service Airway Management Audit was created using the Bristol University Online Survey Tool (University of Bristol; The...
A retrospective criterion-based clinical audit was undertaken of 253 PRFs collected from the end of June 2011 to the end of July 2011, where the pre-hospital clinician identified and coded dyspnoea...
The data presented here is an audit of 4 679 consecutive emergency calls attended by a single ECP between November 2007 and November 2013. The data was collected in a large urban environment, a town...