This study aimed to highlight the experiences of paramedic senior lecturers and their perceptions towards the wellbeing of student paramedics and to explore difficulties around supporting students..
Scoping reviews describe the existing literature and provide a broad overview of the area (Peterson et al, 2017; Sucharew and Macaluso, 2019; Lawn et al, 2020)..
The efficacy of any professional training programme depends on educators being able to prepare students for the future. Paramedicine in 2030 will not be the role students sign up for today...
Qualitative methodology was employed to explore the views and experiences of paramedic students undertaking a diploma in higher education to become a qualified paramedic. This approach supports...
Historically, the origins of ‘serious play’ as a concept can be found in the seminal work of Piaget (1951) on social constructivism, and the version later developed in Harel and Papert's (1991)...
Action research is commonly described as any research into practice carried out by those involved in that practice, with an aim to change and improve it. It is concerned therefore with both ‘action’...
Hochschild defines the term ‘emotional labour’ as ‘the management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display’ (Hochschild, 2012). Where this exists as an integral part of...