Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism resulting from a lack of insulin or a reduction in its biological effects..
The clinical forms of COPD are chronic bronchitis and emphysema, although guidelines discourage differentiation between the two forms when making a diagnosis (NICE, 2010). Chronic bronchitis is...
Evidence suggests that high amounts of oxygen administered to patients with COPD can lead to hypercapnia (high levels of arterial carbon dioxide), potentially resulting in respiratory acidosis (Perrin...
In 2004, the London Ambulance Service conducted a clinical audit of SCD patients. The review showed that subjective pain scoring was recorded poorly by crews and that eligible patients did not receive...
A methodical literature search using well known related databases was undertaken to acquire access to a sufficient information pool, enabling the exploration and formulation of practice...
A diagonal earlobe crease (DELC) or Frank's Sign, has been linked with ischaemic heart disease since it was first described in 1973 by Dr. Sanders Frank (Frank, 1973). A classification system has...
Each year approximately 6,000 new cases of HIV are diagnosed within the United Kingdom, adding to over 100,000 people who are known to be living with HIV (Skingsley et al, 2015; Terrence Higgins...
Details of the medications reviewed in this article can be found in Box 1..
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines diabetes as a:.
AF is frequently associated with structural abnormalities in the heart or cardiac disease, or may result from damage to the heart tissue itself, from thoracic surgery or coronary artery bypass grafts...
The manual handling risks to paramedics and fire service first responders in Australia are significant but are not quantifiable; anecdotally there are injuries associated with incidents involving...