The return rate of 26% was small so cannot be said to be representative and this inevitably influences the reliability of the findings and means the findings cannot be generalised. The evaluation was...
What are student paramedics' views on the importance of including a placement within general practice as part of their degree on their learning and development as an autonomous paramedic?.
In the paramedic and other health professions in Australia, there is sometimes limited guidance from accrediting bodies about the necessary elements comprising a quality placement, or limited detail...
Action research is commonly described as any research into practice carried out by those involved in that practice, with an aim to change and improve it. It is concerned therefore with both ‘action’...
Data from student surveys and student and mentor feedback meetings informed the findings discussed here. This paper focuses on the barriers to learning identified in the analysis of these data..
Study in other countries is viewed as a strategic goal for many universities, as it promotes understanding of world issues affecting society, cultural competence, and international engagement, which...
Data from student surveys and feedback meetings informed the findings discussed here. Key themes arising from analysis of the data include learning experiences the students perceived as positive and...
The students who took part in the exchange are aware of the barriers and obstacles in place, which make the transfer of paramedic qualifications and experience overseas exceptionally difficult. This...