
Classroom to escape room: an innovative experience to prepare and test students

The healthcare system in the UK is rapidly evolving, resulting in a dramatic evolution in paramedicine (Nixon, 2017), particularly since the turn of the century..

Spotlight on Research

Everybody has an opinion on NHS 111, especially those working in ambulance services. Following piloting, the system was formally launched in 2014 to alleviate the burden on emergency departments and...

Paramedic practice in low light conditions: a scoping review

Suggestions from the professional panel to improve driving were limited. The use of a dark mode to reduce the glare from the mobile data terminal was suggested as was using the low-power mode for blue...

Paramedics’ perspectives of the community paramedic role in Ontario, Canada

There were 452 responses to the CP survey out of approximately 8000 paramedics in Ontario (Government of Ontario, 2017). Of the 387 respondents who provided their gender, 57.5% (n=260) were male. The...

Experiences of personal protective equipment and reasons for non-compliance

The aim of this review is to investigate paramedics' experiences of using PPE in order to better understand factors contributing to their non-adherence of PPE policy..

To what extent is end-tidal carbon dioxide a predictor of sepsis?

A systematic search was conducted to find strong primary quantitative research to determine to what extent low EtCO2 is a predictor of sepsis and if this has diagnostic value..

Organisational structural predictors of ambulance crashes: an analysis

This study's results add to the collective understanding of factors associated with ambulance crashes, which may inform future action to intervene and create a safer environment of care for EMS...

Paramedic adult pain assessment: pilot study

There were 30 (85.7%) male and 5 (14.3%) female participants. Thirty-two (91.4%) of the 35 participants were ambulance paramedics and three (8.6%) were CCPs. Thirteen (37.1%) of the participants had...

Perceptions of ethical dilemmas in Australian paramedicine

Results were drawn from questions that participants had responded to; they were not required to answer all questions. A broad cross-section of the profession was captured in terms of age, work...

Changing perspectives in the prehospital management of patients with severe burns

A literature review of the CINAHL, Medline and Cochrane databases was carried out using the keywords ‘burn*’ AND ‘cooling’ OR ‘hypothermia’ OR ‘airway’ OR ‘inhalation’ AND ‘emergency’. The results...

Are cervical collars effective and safe in prehospital spinal cord injury management?

A literature review was chosen to source up-to-date research and knowledge, in order to identify areas for further investigation and, ultimately, to gain more knowledge regarding a topic that is of...