The aim of this review is to investigate paramedics' experiences of using PPE in order to better understand factors contributing to their non-adherence of PPE policy..
A qualitative research design was adopted, and seven frontline paramedics working within South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWASFT) were recruited to the study. They met the inclusion...
Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 13 paramedics to explore differences in handover communication between military and civilian practice and to understand the challenges of transitioning...
The following objectives were developed:.
CA is a skill using both the bell and diaphragm of a stethoscope on the praecordium to identify both normal and abnormal sounds emanating from the heart. This is part of a complete examination of the...
Through the current study, the authors aim to illustrate the first-line response to patient falls that is operational in the independent care sector in a specific region of North East England. This...
A systematic review of published literature was performed in November 2016, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses convention (Moher et al, 2009). Similar...
‘Similar to an acute myocardial ischaemic attack and an acute brain attack, the speed and appropriateness of therapy administered in the initial hours after the syndrome develops are likely to...
Although over recent years there has been an increased volume of research relating to out-of-hospital emergency and unscheduled care, Lerner et al (2015) suggest the evidence base remains limited,...
‘On the occasions I have been admitted to an A&E department they have concentrated on medically patching me up and getting me out. Never have I been asked any questions regarding whether this is the...