role evolution

Industrial paramedic: an emerging speciality?

‘155 workers killed annually—equating to three per week’ .

Critical care paramedics: who's doing what?

‘It is refreshing to see a more balanced, less adversarial and critical appraisal of some of the issues in pre-hospital trauma care’ .

Can paramedics treat sepsis?

The Pre-hospital Piperacillin/Tazobactam (PrePip) project tested the concept that UK paramedics could accurately recognise sepsis, aseptically take blood cultures, and safely and rapidly treat septic...

The search and rescue helicopter paramedic: an emerging role

The SAR paramedic role is at an exciting stage in its development. Not only is it transitioning from a predominantly military-provided service to a civilian contracted one, but also SAR paramedics are...

Scope of practice: considering how the role of the paramedic continues to change

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is a regulatory body set up with the key aim of protecting the public. In order for them to do this they maintain a register of health and care...

Does paramedic intubation improve patient outcome?

The second contribution to Spotlight on Research this month includes a summary of a research study which received one of the College of Paramedics' small grants for research: ‘A pilot study into the...

The postgraduate paramedic: meeting the demands of an evolving profession

‘It is essential that the profession is led by paramedics, for the benefit of those who are the recipients of paramedic-delivered care: the public’ .

Independent prescribing: a journey to provide the best possible care

The Review of Prescribing, Supply and Administration of Medicines (Department of Health (DH), 1999), chaired by Dr June Crown, proposed that prescribing rights should be extended to a range of health...

Pain: understanding the biopsychosocial model and the paramedic's role within the multi-disciplinary team

The biopsychosocial model is a term to describe the combination of three important factors that heavily influence the lives of patients suffering a disease or illness:.

The expanding scope of EMS: decreasing emergency department overcrowding in the United States

Chronic disease is defined as a long-lasting condition that can be controlled, but not cured (Salzman et al, 2012). Interestingly, over half of the US population lives with a least one chronic...

Using clinical decision making and reflection strategies to support practice

According to Sibson (2009), the theory and practice of reflective practice is increasing amongst paramedics, with a greater awareness of the benefits of reflection to everyday practice..

Answering that frequently asked question

‘Why should I join my professional body when I'm already paying a subscription to the HCPC and to the Union?’.