specialist paramedic

Paramedic-led acute home visiting services in primary care

First, a brief analysis is required to understand the paramedic profession's journey from their traditional background in ambulance services to working for primary care providers..

Industrial paramedic: an emerging speciality?

‘155 workers killed annually—equating to three per week’ .

Critical care paramedics: who's doing what?

‘It is refreshing to see a more balanced, less adversarial and critical appraisal of some of the issues in pre-hospital trauma care’ .

Developing the concept of a multi-professional pre-hospital emergency medicine (PHEM) practitioner training programme

The term ‘pre-hospital emergency medicine’ (PHEM) covers a wide range of medical conditions from minor illness and injury to life-threatening emergencies. Pre-hospital interventions therefore also...

Can paramedics treat sepsis?

The Pre-hospital Piperacillin/Tazobactam (PrePip) project tested the concept that UK paramedics could accurately recognise sepsis, aseptically take blood cultures, and safely and rapidly treat septic...

The search and rescue helicopter paramedic: an emerging role

The SAR paramedic role is at an exciting stage in its development. Not only is it transitioning from a predominantly military-provided service to a civilian contracted one, but also SAR paramedics are...

Does paramedic intubation improve patient outcome?

The second contribution to Spotlight on Research this month includes a summary of a research study which received one of the College of Paramedics' small grants for research: ‘A pilot study into the...

A comparison of paramedic practice with that of an emergency care practitioner

These tables illustrate that whether paramedic or ECP, the average work load and patient demographics are relatively similar..

Twenty-five years of London's Air Ambulance paramedics

During the early years, London's Air Ambulance (LAA) functioned almost entirely as an aeromedical service during daylight hours. A range of drugs were used for anaesthesia and sedation, with...