HIV is a disease of major importance in the UK—and despite increased HIV testing and a move towards earlier initiation of antiretroviral therapy, a reduction in new cases each year proved hard to...
The limitations of this systematic review largely concern the quality of the included studies. With all studies scoring either three or below on the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels of...
The aim of this study was to explore UK paramedics’ experience of treating paediatric patients in pain..
Calcium ions initiate actin-myosin filament binding, resulting in myofibril (muscle-fibre) shortening and muscle contraction. Depletion of calcium ions because of loss during haemorrhage and...
There were 30 (85.7%) male and 5 (14.3%) female participants. Thirty-two (91.4%) of the 35 participants were ambulance paramedics and three (8.6%) were CCPs. Thirteen (37.1%) of the participants had...
This study uses EMS data from the 2017–2019 NEMSIS V3.5.0 database to perform a retrospective cross-sectional analysis. NEMSIS is a national database funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety...
TBI is the leading contributor to mortality, morbidity and disability globally, accounting for 30% of injury-related deaths in those aged 18–45 (Mangat, 2018). TBI is a national health priority, as...
Although the use of ultrasound is well established in hospitals, it did not emerge in the prehospital environment until the 1990s in the United States. Furthermore, paramedic use of ultrasound has...
Although phenytoin is common in emergency department management, prehospital research and published evidence of its use is limited. A literature search was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar...
Benger's (2016) research for the National Institute For Health Research (NIHR) noted that more than 30 000 cardiac arrests occurred outside the hospital in England every year (Benger, 2016; Out of...
All PCRs from patients assessed by DFB prehospital practitioners in the week starting 27 March 2017 were manually examined by an independent researcher to identify patients with potential sepsis or...
The aim of this study was to illuminate the views of medical directors in NHS ambulance services, associated with the use of IV antibiotics to treat prehospital sepsis..