case study

5 recent ECG case studies

Every issue of JPP includes an instalment of our ECG series. Each of these present a reflective patient case study to help you practice ECG interpretation, so you can build your confidence and skills...

ECG case series for paramedics: October 2024

There are however are a number of abnormalities with this 12-lead ECG:.

ECG case series for paramedics: July 2024

There is ST segment elevation of up to 15 mm in V1–V6 suggestive of an extensive anterior lateral ST elevation myocardial infarction. There is ST segment depression in the inferior leads II, III and...

ECG case series for paramedics: May 2024

A 12-lead ECG was recorded (Figure 1)..

ECG Case Series for Paramedics: April 2023

The heart rate is approximately 50 beats per minute and in sinus rhythm. There is left axis deviation..

Prehospital management of sickle cell crisis: a case report

A 10-year-old Afro-Caribbean boy arrived home feeling unusually tired after playing football at school. He went straight to sleep but was woken at 17:00 with a sudden onset of intense pain (rated at...

Patient-centred prescribing, autonomy and concordance

The following patient example provides a framework for discussion. The patient's name has been changed to ensure confidentiality, and only the information relevant to this article is presented. The...

Clinical case review: out-of-hospital cardiac arrest following thyroid storm

The patient, a woman in her late 20s, suddenly collapsed at home without warning and was found to be unconscious and not breathing by her partner. Immediate basic life support was given via ambulance...

COVID-19: experiences of roadside logistics from a UK air ambulance service

Symptoms of COVID-19 were initially described as being flu-like, with a persistent cough and shortness of breath as leading features. A loss of smell or taste has also since been identified as a...

A rare condition with excellent outcome—if treated correctly: examining cardiac arrest from accidental hypothermia

I have been actively involved with accidental hypothermia since 2011, have co-authored several publications, lectured and recently updated the hypothermia section in the JRCALC Clinical Guidelines. I...