Two searches by the Library and Knowledge Service for Ambulance Services in England were commissioned by the author. This service undertakes searches of PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE and EMCARE...
This literature review has limitations. A systematic review was not possible because of financial restraints. However, by following a detailed methodology and recording the steps taken, a valid...
Paramedic independent prescribers may currently legally prescribe all licensed medicines and off-licence/off-label licensed medicines for accepted clinical uses where no alternative is available, but...
The series will endeavour to address the key aspects of emergency and urgent care in the community setting, including an overview of trauma. Topics are set out in Box 1..
The patient, a woman in her late 20s, suddenly collapsed at home without warning and was found to be unconscious and not breathing by her partner. Immediate basic life support was given via ambulance...
TTM is not a novel phenomenon, with concepts of hypothermia as a therapeutic measure having been applied historically (Marion et al, 1996). In ancient Greece, the physician Hippocrates favoured...
When the heart contracts and blood is ejected from the left ventricle, a pressure wave is generated and transmitted into the aorta and arterial tree. The flexible and elastic nature of artery walls...
Massive acute pulmonary emboli (PE) is a reversible cause of cardiac arrest, with thrombolysis being the first line of treatment (British Thoracic Society, 2003). Occlusion of pulmonary blood flow is...
Kovacs and Croskerry (1999) point out that clinicians use a variety and range of clinical decision-making approaches. These are dependent largely on the unique characteristics of individual clinical...
“Which resuscitated patients benefit from PPCI after an out of hospital cardiac arrest?” .
Eight studies were evaluated to review the use of pre-hospital ultrasound. The OHCA studies reviewed evaluate the use of US both in and out-of-hospital. The evidence was reviewed using the Critical...
Defining pain is complex; however, it is generally agreed to be an unpleasant, emotive and personal experience (Briggs, 2010; Steeds, 2013). Pain is generally split into two categories: nociceptive...