
Apps for paramedics

The Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) guidelines are often referred to as the prehospital ‘Bible’. They have been the ‘go to’ guidelines for all UK NHS Ambulance services since...

Virtual reality: the future or a COVID-era plaster?

Using the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) improvement cycle, the Trust's in-house technology enhanced learning (TEL) team created scenarios using the XVR ‘on scene’ platform (XVR Simulation B.V, 2022)....

Differential rater function over time (DRIFT) during student simulations

The primary objective of this study was to detect if there was a DRIFT in the ability of the raters on successive tests during the day—essentially, a fatigue effect..

Remote-facilitated mental simulation to bridge the theory-practice divide

Simulation education allows clinical environments to be replicated so participants can learn, train, rehearse and be assessed (Khan et al, 2011). Benishek et al (2015: 3) describe the three main...

Building ad-hoc team social capital through simulation

Social capital is seen as a valuable asset to both individuals and groups within organisations or communities. The amount of capital an individual or group holds can shift as relationships change or...

Effectiveness of e-learning to develop the ability to recognise and manage stroke

The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of e-learning to develop ambulance staff in the management of acute stroke and stroke mimics..

Safe transfer of simulation-based intubation skills to patients in cardiac arrest

This quasi-experimental study was performed at the pre-hospital unit in the North Denmark Region from February 2010 to December 2012, over a total of 35 months, including the 1-month training period..

Future of digital technology in paramedic practice: blue light of discernment in responsive care for patients?

In an ever-increasingly digital society, the profile of IT literacy of patients seen in everyday paramedic practice is a significant factor in how they approach understanding their medical conditions...

Appropriateness of action learning in the physical and virtual spaces: a discussion

Action learning is attributed to the British researcher Reginald Revans, who during his time as a research student at Cambridge University in the 1940s (Revans, 1982), worked alongside a talented...

Flippin’ education: a new pedagogy for paramedic students?

More traditional methods of teaching teach the basics of a concept during classroom time and the student is expected to learn more deeply about the concept in self-directed study time. The basis of...

Should the Kendrick Extrication Device have a place in pre-hospital care?

Essentially the KED is a flexible mini back board that, when in position on the casualty, extends from their lower back to above their head. It also extends laterally to encompass the flanks and head,...