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Paramedic administration of blood products to improve outcomes for trauma patients

02 July 2024
Volume 16 · Issue 7


Early blood transfusion for a trauma patient experiencing a major haemorrhage significantly improves their chance of survival before they reach hospital. While providing out-of-hospital blood transfusions can delay the arrival of the patient to hospital, starting the transfusion earlier outweighs this risks in most cases. There is therefore an argument that paramedics should be able to administer blood products to severely injured patients as this would improve outcomes and survival. While minimal extra equipment would be needed, the cost, storage and waste of blood need to be considered. Through the findings of a review, this paper discusses the feasibility and practicalities of paramedics providing out-of-hospital blood transfusion and the implications for training and policies to mitigate cost and blood waste.


After completing this module, the paramedic will be able to:

  • Recognise the significance of blood loss in trauma
  • Critically evaluate the impact of the loss of circulating volume
  • Make better decisions around rapid assessment and early interventions
  • Recognise the need for activation of a specialist practitioner/service (such as helicopter emergency medical service) where appropriate/available
  • Haemorrhage is responsible for up to 40% of trauma mortality, and between 33% and 56% of these deaths occur in the out-of-hospital setting (Kauvar et al, 2006). Inadequate resuscitation in a patient experiencing major haemorrhage is an important cause of avoidable death and, there is consensus that if circulating volume is restored and blood components are transfused early, patients have a better chance of survival (Mahambrey et al, 2013).

    However, since then, Guyette et al (2021) suggested that fluid resuscitation is no longer appropriate as large amounts of fluids can cause more harm than good. Kaur et al (2011) stated that although transfusion support is vital for a trauma patient experiencing a major haemorrhage, it comes with many concerns such as those around the availability of blood components, cost, storage, shelf life and religious prohibitions.

    Thompson et al (2019) found that clinical decisions are often influenced by a paramedic's experience and previous exposure to trauma rather than evidence.

    This review aims to explore whether paramedics who are able to administer blood products could improve outcomes and mortality rates.


    A focused question was used using a population, issue, outcome method with searches of databases—CINAHL, Medline and AMED—to find relevant literature, with limiters added to ensure the literature was recent and appropriate (Table 1).

    Inclusion Exclusion
    Population ParamedicsOut of hospitalFrontline healthcareEmergency medicineHealthcare practitionerHealthcare professionalDoctorNurse In-hospital
    Issue Blood productsBlood transfusion In-hospital blood transfusion
    Outcome Improved outcomesRole developmentCostFeasibility Any outcomes not listed in inclusion criteria
    Study design Quantitative Qualitative
    Age 2010–2021 Research before 2010
    Language English Non English

    Study selection

    The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework (Page et al, 2021) was used to record the search results found at each stage to ensure robustness. The final selection comprised four papers which were then assessed for their eligibility for the study: Bodnar et al (2014a); Heschl et al (2018); Rehn et al (2019); and Sayre et al (2022) (Table 2). These studies were all quantitative and were analysed using the McMaster critical review (Law et al, 2005).

    Author (year) Sample size Average age Participant sex Method use to collect data Location Intervention Carried out by Survived Did not survive Not known P values or confidence intervals used? Yes/no Improved patient outcome? (Outcome of study)
    Male Female
    Bodnar et al (2014a) 71 39.6 56 15 Retrospective database review Queensland, Australia Prehospital packed red blood cell transfusion Road-based trauma response team paramedic 39 32 N/A Yes. Used throughout study but not for overall results May improve mortality rates
    Heschl et al (2018) 150 (136 trauma patients) 42 90 46 Retrospective database review Australia Prehsopital red cell concentrate transfusions Paramedic staffed helicopter emergency medical service 81 39 6 Yes. Used to explain signifigance of vital sign improvement Further research needed to determine improvement in mortality. Improvement in vital signs
    Rehn et al (2019) 623 32 423 116 Retrospective trauma data base study and multiple logistic regression model UK Prehospital red blood cell transfusion London Air Ambulance paramedic Unknown 187 without transfusion; 143 with transfusion N/A Yes. P=0.554 Prehospital mortality P<0.001 No overall improvement in mortality rates. Improved prehospital mortality
    Sayre et al (2022) 39 Unknown Unknown Unknown Retrospective electronic records review and minutes from committee meetings USA Prehospital whole-blood transfusion Urban paramedic Unknown Unknown Unknown No Unknown. Feasible to carry out prehospital transfusions at a low cost and without waste

    The data from each paper were put together so the results could be compared. Data included sample sizes, average age, participant sex, design method, location, mortality rates and P values (if used). The sample sizes were over a wide range (39–623). All papers used the same study design methods.

    The results of each study noted the numbers of participants who survived or did not survive or whether this was not known as data were missing.

    Study outcomes reflected the outcome of the patients as well as other factors, such as the cost and feasibility of out-of-hospital blood transfusions.

    Reflection 1

    What impact does blood loss have on a patient presenting with life-threatening trauma?

    Results and discussion

    Clumpner et al (2020) acknowledged that while there have been advances in out-of-hospital treatment, trauma patients still die from potentially preventable causes such as major haemorrhage. Intravenous fluid therapy is the go-to treatment for a patient experiencing major haemorrhage in the out-of-hospital setting to maintain circulating volume. However, this can increase on-scene time with little benefit to the patient, resulting in poorer outcomes and mortality rates (Clumpner et al, 2020).

    Grossman and Porth (2014) stated that blood is a specialised connective tissue that has significantly more benefits than fluid alone. Kaur (2011) further argued that the transfusion of blood should be the treatment of choice as it is the ideal resuscitation tool for maintaining circulating volume, has oxygen-carrying capacity and clotting functions. Where blood is not available, crystalloid fluids can be administered; however, they pose a significant risk of over-infusion.

    Eastridge et al (2019) found many potentially preventable deaths after trauma are related to haemorrhage and occur soon after injury and usually before the patient arrives at hospital. Interventions in haemorrhagic injuries, such as blood transfusions, have been shown to decrease mortality. Eastridge et al (2019) also believed advancing these strategies in the out-of-hospital setting may prove beneficial to patient outcomes.

    Rehn et al (2019) found that, although there was no significant improvement in overall survival if patients were given out-of-hospital blood products, there was a significant improvement in the survival rates of those within the out-of-hospital setting and on arrival to hospital. This suggests that receiving out-of-hospital blood products reduced mortality. Rehn et al's study (2019) was of a fair quality, scoring 9/15 on the quality assessment table (Table 3).

    Rehn et al (2019) Bodnar et al (2014) Heschl et al (2018) Sayre et al (2022)
    Study purpose clearly stated x
    Background literature reviewed
    Research design RDS RDS RDS RDS
    Sample described in detail x
    Sample size justified x x
    Outcome measure reliability reported x ?
    Outcome measure vallidity reported x
    Intervention described
    Contamination avoided ? ? ?
    Co-intervention avoided ? ? x
    Results reported in terms of statistical significance x
    Analysis methods appropriate ? ?
    Clinical significance reported x x x x
    Drop-outs reported x x x x
    Score/15 9 10 11 6

    ✓: yes; x: no; ?: not addressed; N/A: not applicable; RDS: retrospective database study

    Bodnar et al (2014a) found similar outcomes and came to a similar conclusion in their study, finding there is a potential role for red blood cell administration in the out-of-hospital environment and it is beneficial for trauma patients to receive blood transfusions as early as possible to decrease mortality rates. However, this study has a small sample size of only 71 patients. Nonetheless, it was of fair quality as it scored 10/15, similar to Rehn et al (2019).

    Heschl et al (2018) did not reach the same conclusions as Rehn et al (2019) and Bodnar et al (2014a). They reported that, although out-of-hospital blood transfusions resulted in improvements in patients' vital signs, more research was needed before positive effects on mortality could be proved.

    Sayre et al (2022) scored low in the quality assessment (6/15) and had a small sample size. Although this study involved a similar intervention as the other three papers, it did not report on how it affected participant outcomes or mortality.

    Although most of the papers in this systematic review reported an increase in patient survival in the out-of-hospital setting, overall survival was not significantly better. However, as Rehn et al (2019) stated, once patients have been transported to hospital, results may be biased as hospitals and trauma centres may provide different interventions. Heschl et al (2018) also acknowledged that further research, such as randomised control trials with bigger sample sizes needed to be carried out to determine the effect of out-of-hospital blood transfusions on mortality rates.

    Reflection 2

    What types of interventions are required for blood loss in life-threatening trauma that are beyond your current scope of practice which could be incorporated into undergraduate education programmes?

    Reflection 3

    What training and competencies would be required to increase your scope of practice to carry out interventions to manage major blood loss in trauma and who would sign them off? Could they be incorporated into standard paramedic practice?

    Blood use efficiency

    The cost, storage and waste of blood are related issues, along with logistics as vehicles carrying blood products require cooling equipment. McCullagh (2021) also noted that blood from donations are in short supply. Raitt et al (2020) offered a solution to the problem of wastage for ambulances, suggesting a paramedic vehicle could carry two units of blood for a period of up to 24–48 hours and, if the blood is not used within that time, it is returned to a blood bank to be used for in hospital transfusions.

    Sayre et al (2022) noted it is possible for paramedics to provide whole blood products to patients with efficient blood use, minimal blood wastage and low cost. They reported it cost $867 for each unit of blood to be administered, which did not include the cost of paramedic training. Training costs were not included in the study as they were viewed as part of the ‘wider mission’; however, for the initial provision of blood transfusions in the out-of-hospital setting, expenditure would be needed on training paramedics to ensure they were competent in delivering the intervention. While Sayre et al's (2022) study is of poor quality, scoring 6/15, Heschl et al (2018), which agrees with some of Sayre et al's (2022) findings, scored the highest (Table 3).

    In Heschl et al's (2018) study, blood components were changed every 7–14 days; if they had not been used in the out-of-hospital setting, they were rotated back to the blood bank to be used in hospitals to minimise waste. An audit was carried out to assess the amount of blood wasted during the study; this found 2255 units were delivered to be used in the out-of-hospital setting, 11 of which were wasted because of breakages and a power cut. All the other units were used or returned to the blood bank; the percentage of waste reported was 0.5%.

    Although several papers highlighted that although it may be costly for ambulance services to set up so all paramedics can provide blood products for trauma patients, as training is needed and fridges and other equipment would have to be installed on vehicles, the overall cost is not higher.

    Blood waste can be minimised if policies are put in place, as reported in the studies in this review.

    Bodnar et al (2014b) stated that the proportion of wastage in emergency departments and the out-of-hospital setting are similar. Although Rehn et al (2019) and Bodnar et al (2014a) were silent on these issues, neither Heschl et al (2018) and Sayre et al (2022) reported that out-of-hospital blood transfusions were too costly or there was too much wastage.

    Reflection 4

    What are the benefits to carrying blood outside of a specialist role/practice/vehicle/response?

    Implications for practice

    Bodnar et al (2014b) said it is feasible and practical to provide out-of-hospital blood transfusions if there is equipment to keep blood cool, then warm it before transfusion. Vuorinen et al (2020) agreed, noting that minimal additional equipment would be needed and that emergency services already carry the tubing needed for blood transfusions. However, they acknowledged that providing out-of-hospital blood transfusions can delay the arrival of the patient to hospital by up to 7 minutes. Nonetheless, in most cases, even with this delay, starting a transfusion earlier outweighs this risk (Vuorinen et al, 2020).

    None of the papers reviewed said giving blood transfusions in the out-of hospital setting would not be feasible. Rehn et al (2019) concluded that it would be logical to provide blood transfusions and that research investigations into this intervention and patient outcomes are warranted. Heschl et al (2018) agreed that out-of-hospital blood transfusions by paramedics are feasible but are not without risks. Blood transfusions can cause complications such as the transmission of pathogens, although no complications were found throughout the study period (Heschl et al, 2018). As Bodnar et al (2014a) expressed, an integrated trauma system with highly skilled paramedics and access to blood in the out-of-hospital setting is feasible and would be capable of providing blood transfusions.

    Although Sayre et al's (2022) received a poor quality score, its results match those of the other papers in this systematic review. Sayre et al (2022) concluded: ‘It is possible to provide whole blood to an urban paramedical ambulance system.’ The study acknowledged, however, that what had worked for them might not work in all areas.

    Bodnar et al (2014a) also mentioned that many logistical obstacles had prevented out-of-hospital blood transfusions in the past. However, this study, along with the other three, concluded it was possible and feasible for paramedics to give blood transfusions in the out-of-hospital setting. Bodnar et al (2014b) summarised that this would be feasible if the equipment and training were provided and, overall, the benefits outweigh the risks.


    Patient outcomes do not significantly improve overall after an out-of-hospital blood transfusion. However, patients' outcomes on arrival at hospital and vital signs show significant improvement after an out-of-hospital blood transfusion.

    Prehospital blood transfusions are feasible and systems can be put in place to minimise the cost and waste of blood products.

    Further research is needed to determine whether out-of-hospital blood transfusions improve the outcomes of trauma patients. However, randomised control trials would have limitations as there would have ethical and logistical issues. Retrospective studies with larger sample sizes and over longer periods may be a better vehicle.

    Blood transfusion for a trauma patient experiencing a major haemorrhage significantly improves their chance of survival before they reach hospital. Out-of-hospital blood transfusions are feasible and benefit trauma patients in this setting. Blood should be available and training and systems put in place to mitigate cost and blood wastage.