
Spotlight on Research

Older adults with head injury are a challenging group of patients to the ambulance clinician. Older age, clinical frailty, comorbidities, anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications can contribute to...

Variation in patient gender and sexual identity recording within ambulance records

Four out of the 10 ambulance services in England were chosen for inclusion in the study to sample different geographic locations with a mix of environments and population densities (such as urban and...

Febrile seizure management and effectiveness of prevention with antipyretics

A systematised literature review was chosen to critically appraise, consolidate and summarise the evidence base. First described by Grant and Booth (2009), a systematised review includes some of the...

Respecting an autonomous decision to refuse life-saving treatment: a case study

‘in which autonomous patients are choosers who act intentionally, with understanding, and without controlling influences that determine their actions’. .

Confidence levels of students before and after a minor illness/injury placement

Research by Credland et al (2019) addressed the need for non-ambulance placements within the paramedic programme, such as walk-in centres, minor injury units, cardiac assessment units and general...

Paramedic electrocardiogram interpretation in acute coronary syndrome

The aim of this study was to investigate and assess Australian paramedic accuracy in ECG interpretation related to ischaemic ECG changes, specifically STEMI, NSTEMI and STEMI mimics..

Psychological vulnerability and suicidality within the ambulance service: a review

A methodical literature search was conducted to identify peer-reviewed evidence. It began with a broad search of Google Scholar using the terms ‘paramedic suicide’ and ‘paramedic suicidality’..

Diagnostic accuracy of early warning system scores in the prehospital setting

This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the review by Guan et al (2022) and expand upon its findings in the context of clinical practice..

Spotlight on Research

In recent years, the technology of performing point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has become increasingly accessible and has found increasing application in ambulances, helicopters, wilderness, and other...