Academic paramedicine

02 June 2023
Volume 15 · Issue 6

Paramedic-led research plays a pivotal role in advancing prehospital care in the UK. Clinical research can facilitate the identification and implementation of evidence-based practices in prehospital care, by evaluating the effectiveness of treatment strategies and assessing the impact of novel interventions and technologies. On the other hand, non-clinical research can foster the development of patient-centred care practices by investigating the experiences of patients and their families, and informing policies and protocols that support the health and wellbeing of paramedics.

Paramedics' unique position within the prehospital care environment allows them to identify research questions and design studies that are relevant and feasible in this setting. However, conducting research in the prehospital environment presents a series of challenges, including issues related to patient consent and data collection. Therefore, providing paramedics with adequate training and support in research methods and ethics, as well as access to resources and infrastructure, is critical for the successful implementation of prehospital paramedic-led research.

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