My own personal #BlueLightHappy

02 January 2018
Volume 10 · Issue 1

Tonight at dinner my 5-year-old daughter said to me, ‘I know what I want to be when I grow up—the ambulance.’

This statement filled me with a mixture of bewilderment and pride. The last time she told me what she wanted to be when she grew up, she wanted to be a butterfly. Now that she has decided to consider a real profession, of all those she could have chosen in the world, this is what she said. And for me, having just taken over editorship of the Journal of Paramedic Practice some months ago, I thought, what are the chances of that?

At the same time, in my short time as editor, I am continually learning more and more about the paramedic profession, about its multifaceted nature, and of course about its rapid growth and evolution, I feel a warm sense of pride that my young daughter is imagining the members of the ambulance service as her heroes and the people she wants to grow up to be like.

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