This review has highlighted that, as levels of deprivation increase, rates of BCPR decrease, as does the availability of AEDs; yet the incidence of OHCA rises. However, this review only included...
The study aimed to assess the baseline knowledge of practitioners working in prehospital medical services in the UK. Specifically, it intended to assess knowledge around the risks, recognition and...
As more paramedics transition across various roles, Band 6 paramedic, Jennifer Green shares her journey in a new monthly column in 2024, as she makes her way from the ambulance setting into general...
This study aims to narratively explore why homeless individuals access healthcare through ambulance services and to identify lived experiences of both these individuals and paramedics. Three...
To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to explore ambulance clinicians' perceptions of the APCC role. It identifies four main themes from the perceptions of ambulance clinicians who...
The aim of this study was to explore paramedics' experiences of establishing ALS in OHCA. It seeks to lift the ALS algorithm from the page and explore, without fear of judgement, paramedics' heuristic...
Using the Goal-Question Metric (Basili et al, 2022), the aim was decided as: to analyse technology commitment for the purpose of understanding attitudes and predicting utilisation behaviour with...
The primary aims of this rapid review of the literature are to determine: whether the CFS could be used in the prognostication of cardiac arrest; and, secondarily, whether the tool could be adapted...
A version of the PICO (population, intervention, control and outcomes) tool for rapid reviews specifically for the formation of clinical questions was used (Curtis et al, 2022). This version, PICo...
The healthcare system in the UK is rapidly evolving, resulting in a dramatic evolution in paramedicine (Nixon, 2017), particularly since the turn of the century..