Leadership & Management

Clinical care in the warm zone: a responder's perspective upon clinical practice in support of UK tactical medical operations

Remaining effective within the tactical environment requires clinicians to assess the effectiveness of their clinical practice, while continuously ensuring that their safety is not being compromised....

What do ambulance service personnel perceive to be the process of and issues with inter-hospital transfers?

The literature review focused solely on works related to the purpose of the study outlined in the previous paragraph. MEDLINE, EMBASE and COCHRANE were the databases used for the four literature...

Critical care paramedics: who's doing what?

‘It is refreshing to see a more balanced, less adversarial and critical appraisal of some of the issues in pre-hospital trauma care’ .

Developing the concept of a multi-professional pre-hospital emergency medicine (PHEM) practitioner training programme

The term ‘pre-hospital emergency medicine’ (PHEM) covers a wide range of medical conditions from minor illness and injury to life-threatening emergencies. Pre-hospital interventions therefore also...

Ambulance staff contemplate suicide due to stress and poor mental health

‘It started to manifest itself after a failed resuscitation attempt on a child several years ago. While there were low-level symptoms over the years, and there were certain calls that would affect...

A review of the Great North Air Ambulance Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Crew Course

Prior to joining GNAAS in April 2015, I had worked as an NHS paramedic for 9 years. This included several years on the road as both a rapid response paramedic and on the hazardous area response team...

Development of research governance awareness to support pre-hospital studies

This project was funded by the North East and North Cumbria Academic Health Science Network, with the aim of developing easily accessible research governance awareness training tailored towards the...

Legal and professional boundaries: a case study

Laura is 29 years old and has schizophrenia. She is also 30 weeks pregnant. Her partner (Simon) has called 999—she has not been taking her medication for several days as she wrongly believed it might...

Plan for quality improvement: the ‘Legal High’ Guide

‘Legal highs’ were highlighted by the media after suspected deaths across several countries were associated with the use of mephedrone (also known as ‘meow meow’ or M-CAT), with 70 in the UK. The...

An introduction to black humour as a coping mechanism for student paramedics

Before going any further it is necessary to define the term ‘gallows humour’. Gallows humour is a type of humour that arises from stressful, traumatic or life-threatening situations (Moran and Massam,...