
Prehospital care in isolated neck of femur fracture: a literature review

The aim of the search was to identify appropriate literature and evidence which could be deemed to be useful to the prehospital management of NOF fracture..

Cerebral oximetry monitoring in OHCA

Cerebral oximetry uses near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure transcutaneous cerebral tissue oxygen saturation. This reflects perfusion in the cerebral microcirculation (Genbrugge et al, 2016)....

Examining the benefits of paramedic engagement for the novice researcher

Professional paramedic engagement encompasses the consultation of practitioners within their area of expertise, who provide early and essential critical value and propose changes in study projects to...

Pelvic binder placement in a regional trauma centre

Major trauma cases attending the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) were identified from the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) database. The time periods assessed were 6...

Paramedics' perceptions and experiences of pelvic injuries in prehospital situations

The authors undertook a narrative review systematically.

Ketamine administration by HART paramedics: a clinical audit review

In the UK, ketamine is primarily used as an in-hospital anaesthetic agent; but when used in small doses, can be an effective and safe analgesic (Motov et al, 2015). Unlike morphine, ketamine maintains...

Adult intraosseous access: a comparison of devices

The following medical literature databases were searched: Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED); British Nursing Index (BNI); CINAHL Plus; Cochrane Library; Medline; and PubMed. A range of...

A qualitative exploration of current paramedic cardiac auscultation practices

CA is a skill using both the bell and diaphragm of a stethoscope on the praecordium to identify both normal and abnormal sounds emanating from the heart. This is part of a complete examination of the...

Death notification delivery and training methods

Delivery of DNs poses difficulties for a number of reasons. Firstly, clinicians only receive one chance to deliver a DN to family members, which is a cognitive challenge and gives no margin for error...

Secondary traumatic stress and resilience among EMS

The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) assesses the ability to recover from stressful situations. The BRS is a validated self-report 6-item scale rating one of the highest levels of quality for measuring...

Cooling of thermal burn injuries: a literature review

The use of the PICO technique (O'Connor et al, 2008) determined initial keywords around the topic and further synonyms were then generated. The chosen search strategy was ‘burns AND cool* AND outcome...