Impact of paramedics carrying just-in-case end-of-life care medication

A review of parenteral medicines commonly prescribed at the end of life (Johnstone, 2017) was undertaken. This identified the appropriate JIC medications to manage the symptoms of severe COVID-19...

Carrying out research, critical appraisal, ethics and stakeholder involvement

Establishing a hypothesis—a clear, verifiable assertion—that a researcher will make in their investigations is the first step in conducting research (Olaussen et al, 2022)..

Disaster preparedness of health professionals at mass gatherings: a scoping review

Scoping reviews, as their name implies, are used to determine how much progress has been made in a particular area of research. In order to explore the question ‘What is known about the preparedness...

Hyperventilation in cardiac arrest—a systematic review and narrative synthesis

This review followed a focused literature search of three databases—CINAHL, MEDLINE and ScienceDirect—from 1 January 2000 to 27 April 2022. Only human, adult, prehospital studies were included. Papers...

Spotlight on Research

Data indicate that adult patients suffering from suspected seizures are often conveyed to the emergency department (ED) with no clinical need. In England, ambulance services respond to around 211 000...

Novel moving, handling and extraction simulation for students in a soft play area

Of the 50 students who were invited to the simulation activity, 45 attended and 43 gave written consent and took part in the study (96%). Participants were in a broad range of age (18–47 years) and...

Competence of UK paramedics in performing standard paramedic skills

The aim of this study was to observe the performance of clinical skills of paramedics ranging in complexity and frequency of exposure. This was done to achieve the following objectives:.

Mass casualty triage: using virtual reality in hazardous area response teams training

The VR simulation scenario was designed based on the primary triage of casualties using the NASMeD triage sieve (NARU, 2014). Recent evidence suggests that newer, more accurate triage tools are...

Prehospital end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement

The most common method of measuring EtCO2 in clinical practice is the infrared analyser. Rays from a source of infrared light are passed through a sample of gas as a detector analyses the degree of...

Spotlight on Research

Everybody has an opinion on NHS 111, especially those working in ambulance services. Following piloting, the system was formally launched in 2014 to alleviate the burden on emergency departments and...

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