Decision making

Factors that influence child conveyance decisions made by prehospital clinicians

A version of the PICO (population, intervention, control and outcomes) tool for rapid reviews specifically for the formation of clinical questions was used (Curtis et al, 2022). This version, PICo...

Student paramedic decision-making: a critical exploration of a patient interaction

While in clinical practice during second-year placement, the lead author, a third-year student paramedic at the time of writing, attended a 49-year-old palliative care patient, Mr Smith, who was in...

Triage system performance: consistency and accuracy in the emergency centre

Reliability in broad terms refers to the consistency of quality and performance (Oxford Dictionary, 2020a). Regarding triage, this concerns a measure of standardised application as well as the...

Decision making for patients categorised as ‘amber’ in a rural setting

The study explored the experiences of paramedics working in rural areas. A qualitative design was used to provide depth and richness. Data were analysed through inductive thematic analysis (Braun and...

‘Do not attempt CPR’ in the community: the experience of ambulance clinicians

Three databases were searched—CINAHL, Medline and PubMed—because of their relevance and accessibility (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2019). The databases were searched,...

Clinical intuition: how paramedics make decisions, is experience always best? A case presentation

Firstly, it is important to consider why particular decisions are made, whether diagnoses are correct and what assumptions are made about the patient. It is pertinent to reflect on whether there were...

A critical appraisal of the impact of Section 3 of the Mental Capacity Act (2005)

‘Bodily invasions in the course of proper medical treatment stand completely outside the criminal law. A competent adult cannot be treated without consent; this protects the patient's autonomy and...

The challenges of pre-hospital paediatric trauma care

Who are the paediatric trauma experts? Prior to establishing trauma networks, the entire burden of paediatric trauma divided amongst receiving units led to an average of just over one case of major...

Cultural challenges in getting it right for every child: a reflective account

I was called to an accident in a home environment involving a 14-year-old female in which a kitchen appliance had fallen onto her foot causing a large laceration and possibly a fracture. She and her...

Paramedic clinical decision-making in mental health care: a new theoretical approach

The response to mental health emergencies in the community often presents unique and complex challenges for paramedics. This is often a result of the ambiguous nature of presentations, the lack of...

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