
Paramedic management of patients with mental health issues: a scoping review

The purpose of a scoping review is to consider as comprehensive a range of data as possible, with less emphasis on quality. This allows research areas requiring further study to be identified and...

Support from advanced practitioners in critical care for ankle fracture dislocation

To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to explore ambulance clinicians' perceptions of the APCC role. It identifies four main themes from the perceptions of ambulance clinicians who...

Novel moving, handling and extraction simulation for students in a soft play area

Of the 50 students who were invited to the simulation activity, 45 attended and 43 gave written consent and took part in the study (96%). Participants were in a broad range of age (18–47 years) and...

An Evaluation of Practice Supervisor Training for Student Paramedics

This article aims to demonstrate how practice supervisor training was incorporated into the final year of a paramedic academic programme..

Effects of simulation training on student confidence in de-escalation skills

This evaluation is a descriptive account of the implementation of a training session to develop student self-perceptions of self-awareness and self-regulation in encountering clinical situations where...

Remote-facilitated mental simulation to bridge the theory-practice divide

Simulation education allows clinical environments to be replicated so participants can learn, train, rehearse and be assessed (Khan et al, 2011). Benishek et al (2015: 3) describe the three main...

Effectiveness of e-learning to develop the ability to recognise and manage stroke

The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of e-learning to develop ambulance staff in the management of acute stroke and stroke mimics..

Student paramedic decision-making: a critical exploration of a patient interaction

While in clinical practice during second-year placement, the lead author, a third-year student paramedic at the time of writing, attended a 49-year-old palliative care patient, Mr Smith, who was in...

ParaVR: a virtual reality training simulator for paramedic skills maintenance

Skills development and maintenance for many paramedic emergency procedures are challenging because opportunities to learn and practise are limited. Such procedures may be required in rare and...

A ‘think aloud’ exercise to develop self-awareness of clinical reasoning in students

This study aimed to evaluate a teaching tool, established in other disciplines, for developing students' clinical reasoning skills.

Clinical decision making and the challenges of responding to mental health needs

Qualitative methodology was employed to explore the views and experiences of paramedic students undertaking a diploma in higher education to become a qualified paramedic. This approach supports...

Nearly qualified student paramedics' perceptions of reflection and use in practice

Searching the key words ‘reflection AND paramedics’ yielded very few results, which focused mainly on ‘how to’ guidance on reflection. The literature search was therefore widened to encompass other...

Cooling of thermal burn injuries: a literature review

The use of the PICO technique (O'Connor et al, 2008) determined initial keywords around the topic and further synonyms were then generated. The chosen search strategy was ‘burns AND cool* AND outcome...

Integrating aged care in the curriculum: the importance of design and evaluation

The student experience survey during the 2014 placement was attempted by 69 out of 123 students—a response rate of 56%. The median student age was 21 years (interquartile range (IQR) 19–27) and 58%...

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