Emergency services

Health behaviours in ambulance workers

This review is restricted in terms of being able to draw firm conclusions because of the limitations of the studies included (Table 4). The papers were limited to research based in Westernised...

Hand hygiene compliance in the pre-hospital setting

Health professionals' compliance with hand hygiene remains a universal problem in health care (Gould et al, 2017; Sunley et al, 2018). While poor hand hygiene is prevalent in the inpatient and...

An introduction to black humour as a coping mechanism for student paramedics

Before going any further it is necessary to define the term ‘gallows humour’. Gallows humour is a type of humour that arises from stressful, traumatic or life-threatening situations (Moran and Massam,...

A brief guide to borderline personality disorder for pre-hospital clinicians in an emergency setting

Borderline personality disorder is termed a ‘serious psychiatric disorder’ (Perseius et al, 2007) and is associated with a high rate of suicide. It is associated with transient mood shifts,...

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