End of life care

Impact of paramedics carrying just-in-case end-of-life care medication

A review of parenteral medicines commonly prescribed at the end of life (Johnstone, 2017) was undertaken. This identified the appropriate JIC medications to manage the symptoms of severe COVID-19...

Managing common end-of-life cancer presentations according to the evidence

For people with cancer who are terminally ill, an unexpected hospital attendance can be distressing and tiresome. Such visits made close to the end of life can be considered an indicator for poor...

Paramedics and their role in end-of-life care: perceptions and confidence

An anonymous electronic survey was distributed by Survey Monkey® offering a pragmatic approach as the participants were based across a large geographical area. This also provided a degree of...

Exploring the role that autonomy plays in achieving a good death: a case study

‘You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life’ .

Palliative emergencies in the pre-hospital setting

The evidence base for the treatment of palliative patients by paramedics is still limited. However, recent publications by Brady (2012a; 2012b; 2012c), Gakhal et al (2011), Pettifer and Bronnert...

End of life care in the community: the role of ambulance clinicians

Patients at the end of their life may have a variety of symptoms or urgent care needs. Pain, nausea/vomiting, agitation, breathlessness and terminal respiratory secretions are commonly experienced...

The Liverpool Care Pathway: a tool for paramedics?

With the introduction of the End of Life Care Strategy (DH, 2009), greater attention is being paid to end of life care. One of the aims of the strategy is to enable more people to die at home. It is...

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