This study aims to evaluate whether NOCP paramedic competencies can be achieved in an OOA placement model through the supervision of competency completion. If this evaluation is positive, this OOA...
While in clinical practice during second-year placement, the lead author, a third-year student paramedic at the time of writing, attended a 49-year-old palliative care patient, Mr Smith, who was in...
What are student paramedics' views on the importance of including a placement within general practice as part of their degree on their learning and development as an autonomous paramedic?.
An experienced band 6 paramedic and a final year student paramedic were called to a 64–year-old man with chest pain. On arrival, the patient said he had been trying to contact his doctor's surgery to...
Health professionals' compliance with hand hygiene remains a universal problem in health care (Gould et al, 2017; Sunley et al, 2018). While poor hand hygiene is prevalent in the inpatient and...
Action research is commonly described as any research into practice carried out by those involved in that practice, with an aim to change and improve it. It is concerned therefore with both ‘action’...
The listening styles profile (LSP) has been used widely as a standardized measure (Watson et al, 1995). The LSP was originally administered to young adults in the US (Watson et al, 1995). The LSP...
Nicol and MacFarlane (2006) suggest that in order to feel ownership, and therefore respond more effectively, students should have some control over the feedback they recieve. Therefore, suggesting...
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