
Student paramedic decision-making: a critical exploration of a patient interaction

While in clinical practice during second-year placement, the lead author, a third-year student paramedic at the time of writing, attended a 49-year-old palliative care patient, Mr Smith, who was in...

Nearly qualified student paramedics' perceptions of reflection and use in practice

Searching the key words ‘reflection AND paramedics’ yielded very few results, which focused mainly on ‘how to’ guidance on reflection. The literature search was therefore widened to encompass other...

Clinical intuition: how paramedics make decisions, is experience always best? A case presentation

Firstly, it is important to consider why particular decisions are made, whether diagnoses are correct and what assumptions are made about the patient. It is pertinent to reflect on whether there were...

SQIFED: A new reflective model for action learning

Although a form of group work, the focus of action learning is the individual. The individual brings a real-life problem to the group known as the ‘set’ and receives the full attention of the set as...

Evaluation of the use of portfolios in paramedic practice: part 2

‘The competence of professionals derives from their possessing a set of relevant attributes such as knowledge, skills and attitudes. These attributes which jointly underlie competence are often...

I.F.E.A.R reflection: an easy to use, adaptable template for paramedics

Learning can be said to result from exposure to an experience. However, it is not the exposure alone which results in learning. It is in the process of reflecting on that experience and responding to...

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