Reflective practice

Building psychological resilience in the paramedic

Historically, the origins of ‘serious play’ as a concept can be found in the seminal work of Piaget (1951) on social constructivism, and the version later developed in Harel and Papert's (1991)...

Appropriateness of action learning in the physical and virtual spaces: a discussion

Action learning is attributed to the British researcher Reginald Revans, who during his time as a research student at Cambridge University in the 1940s (Revans, 1982), worked alongside a talented...

Reflective practice for paramedics: a new approach

The use of reflective models is well established as an essential element in the academic education of student paramedics, acting as a means of linking theory to experiences gained during placements....

Using clinical decision making and reflection strategies to support practice

According to Sibson (2009), the theory and practice of reflective practice is increasing amongst paramedics, with a greater awareness of the benefits of reflection to everyday practice..

SQIFED: A new reflective model for action learning

Although a form of group work, the focus of action learning is the individual. The individual brings a real-life problem to the group known as the ‘set’ and receives the full attention of the set as...

I.F.E.A.R reflection: an easy to use, adaptable template for paramedics

Learning can be said to result from exposure to an experience. However, it is not the exposure alone which results in learning. It is in the process of reflecting on that experience and responding to...

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