The primary aim of this study was to establish whether there is a positive correlation between scoop and outside temperatures when this equipment is stored without vehicle heating..
Calcium ions initiate actin-myosin filament binding, resulting in myofibril (muscle-fibre) shortening and muscle contraction. Depletion of calcium ions because of loss during haemorrhage and...
In 1994, DSM–IV replaced DSM–III, with a major change being the implementation of clinical-significance criterion to almost half of the identified mental disorders, including PTSD (Breslau and...
A literature review was chosen to source up-to-date research and knowledge, in order to identify areas for further investigation and, ultimately, to gain more knowledge regarding a topic that is of...
These case reports are from prehospital settings and involve patients experiencing traumatic injuries who were attended by rapid response doctors. The cases are from the UK and Ireland..
Any change to TTM policy or procedures has to follow a strict process; this involves the convening of the course clinical governance body, the Tactical Medical Advisory Group (TMAG). This faculty...
The prehospital clinician is often the first to manage a patient with a reduced temperature as a result of loss in circulatory volume caused by trauma so has an important early role in the management...
Major trauma cases attending the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) were identified from the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) database. The time periods assessed were 6...
Data were extracted and formatted into tables. This included any data on the following:.
Since its introduction, POCUS has been used to enhance the assessment of a wide range of clinical conditions across medical and traumatic pathologies. For example, the ‘focused assessment with...
Bleeding within the body affects two principal physiological systems:.
Broadly speaking, the approach to major incidents involving significant casualty numbers has not changed in many decades. The process involves emergency staff arriving first on the scene to gain a...
A service evaluation was performed with analysis of patient outcome by the review of patient report forms (PRFs). Patients who received pre-hospital TXA were identified and further analysis of their...
Training in this curriculum is provided by military and civilian doctors and paramedics along with the forces own training team. Importantly, whilst the main aim of the course was to provide emergency...
The PRISMA system is the accepted methodology for systematic reviews; it is primarily focused on evaluating randomised trials and synthesising meta-analysis (PRISMA, 2015). It became apparent early in...
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