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Could some vaccines have unanticipated effects against NHS winter pressures?

02 June 2023
Volume 15 · Issue 6

Vaccines have been eminently successful at controlling debilitating diseases such as polio, tetanus, cholera, and typhus, to name a few. However, some vaccines have wider effects than those which occur against the target pathogen. These are called the non-specific effects of vaccines, a topic that has been the subject of a recent comprehensive review (Benn et al, 2023). While it was noted that many vaccines have unexpected wider benefit, the possibility for unintended negative effects was highlighted and recommendations were made as to how such unanticipated effects should become part of the process for testing, approving, and regulating vaccines (Benn et al, 2023). Non-specific effects of veterinary vaccines have also been noted (Arega et al, 2022).

I entered the NHS in the early 1990s when regular influenza outbreaks created serious operational and financial challenges. Influenza vaccine coverage at that time was very low and we were all promised that vaccination would be expanded, and the problem would be resolved.

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