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Acute stroke management: an online course

03 June 2011
Volume 3 · Issue 6


This article will explore the development and evaluation of an online course tailored specifically for emergency health professionals. Methods: a literature search was undertaken to inform the development of the course. Included studies related to stroke and positioning, oxygen therapy, blood pressure, body temperature and blood glucose. Following development and roll out of the course, all participants were invited to complete an online evaluation of the course, which consisted of eight closed and four open questions. Results: between February 2006 and July 2009, 1446 emergency health professionals completed the RESPONSE course. Of these, 570 (39%) completed the online evaluation. 555 (97.2%) participants reported that they were either very satisfied or satisfied with the course and 546 (95.6%) reported an increased knowledge in the management of acute stroke. Conclusion: the positive aspects of this web-based course have been identified as its usability, interactive nature, and flexibility. This online acute stroke course has also been shown to increase knowledge among emergency health professionals and provides a flexible approach to learning.

Approximately 110 000 first strokes and a further 46 000 first transient ischaemic attacks occur in the UK every year (British Heart Foundation and Stroke Association, 2009) (Figure 1). Stroke accounts for 53 000 deaths per year in the UK (British Heart Foundation and Stroke Association, 2009) and in England, 300 000 people live with moderate to severe disability as a result of stroke (National Audit Office, 2005).

Stroke outcomes can be improved by timely care, it is therefore vitally important that the emergency medical services (EMS) are able to recognize the symptoms of suspected stroke and initiate a rapid response. People with suspected stroke should be taken immediately to hospital. Early presentation at hospital provides greater opportunity for time-dependent treatments, such as thrombolysis (European Stroke Organization, 2008).

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