Continuing professional development for paramedics by paramedics

01 April 2014
Volume 6 · Issue 4
Figure 1. Aimee Yarrington delivers a CPD session on Managing Maternity

Every month Dave Garrick, a College of Paramedics member organises CPD evenings for his colleagues in Yorkshire. These CPD sessions cover a range of topics from Learning Disability Awareness to Portfolio Building for the HCPC standards. These sessions are always well attended by paramedics and student paramedics. Community first responders also attend, which helps to increase their background knowledge and confidence and also promotes the vital contribution this group of individuals provide to the delivery of quality patient care across Yorkshire. Dave devotes an enormous amount of his own time to organise these sessions and provide credible speakers with up-to-date, evidence-based knowledge and skills. These sessions provide an excellent opportunity for engaged learning and sharing of experiences in an informal and relaxed environment away from the demands of the frontline. I would like to thank Dave for his efforts and pledge continual support from the Yorkshire Regional Group.

In January 2014 we were pleased to welcome Aimee Yarrington to Yorkshire to deliver a CPD session. Aimee is a paramedic, College of Paramedics member and registered midwife of 13 years. Aimee presented a CPD session on Managing Maternity which had 67 attendees. This session covered such topics as normal birth, breach, malpresentation, shoulder dystocia and postpartum haemorrhage. To have a paramedic with extensive expertise in this area was engaging and very informative. Aimee delivered her presentation with the knowledge and confidence of an experienced midwife but from the perspective and experiences of a paramedic. Covering these topics with someone of this calibre who acknowledges the challenges of dealing with maternity emergencies in the pre-hospital environment when there is only you and your crew mate really connected with those who attended. It was an amazing evening. Thank you Aimee.

‘These sessions provide an excellent opportunity for engaged learning and sharing of experiences’