How it's done: search tools and techniques for major bibliographic databases
This article explains how to write an effective search plan using simple steps. The article takes you through the tools and techniques that are widely used in major bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE and CINAHL to conduct searches. These include Boolean logic, truncation and wildcards, in-field searching, proximity operators, limits and subject thesauri. Each process is illustrated with an example to help you apply them to your own searches. The process of using these tools and techniques to either narrow (find fewer results) or broaden (find more results) is described and summarised in an easy-to-use table.
This article takes you through the practical aspects of searching major bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE and CINAHL. These databases use a suite of tools and techniques to enable you to search them efficiently and effectively. While the specific details may differ from one search interface to another, the effects are the same. Using the information here will help you to plan and execute your searches and respond appropriately to your search results.
Search planning is often ignored in favour of going directly to your search. However, a search plan helps you to think through some key questions before you start searching that will save you time later. A good search plan should include:
Most university and healthcare libraries will have a search planner on their website that you can use to build your own plan.
This is a simple form of logic that drives the search in all bibliographic databases. The use of Boolean logic is built into the database interfaces in a way that makes it easy for you to use.
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