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The impact of paramedic shift work on the family system: a literature review

02 August 2019
Volume 11 · Issue 8



The current review investigates the impacts of paramedic work on the family system. Paramedics are taking time off or leaving through stress, and career decisions could be influenced by this perceived impact.


A systematic literature review was conducted and the literature critiqued. Two themes were identified: emotional labour and work-family fit.


Paramedics rely on families for emotional support, putting them at risk of vicarious trauma. The historical male coping culture of paramedic practice deters processing at work, detrimentally carrying this processing into the home environment. Additionally, several shift characteristics contribute to work-family conflict, child-rearing conflict and difficulties maintaining a social life.


Key organisational culture change is needed from denigrating staff for showing emotions and struggling to find work-life balance, to one that improves experiences at work and therefore at home as well. Recent movement towards almost equal gender balance may present a particular opportunity to deliver culture change. Further research is required to better understand the impact that shift work has on the family.

Paramedics must adapt to a number of working conditions and systems. Working shift patterns is one of the greatest adaptations required, and one that many struggle with throughout their careers (Clompus, 2014). The impacts of shift work on healthcare employees have been widely studied, from increased risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and neurological problems to psychological impacts. The impact of paramedic shift work on family and home life is rarely studied and reported. It is not known if paramedics perform as well in marital and parental roles following a working shift, nor if the strain shift work puts on relationships is detrimental to the family system and child development. Bowen's family system theory states that families function as a system in which each person plays an independent and interdependent role (The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, 2016); something that impacts one member will in some way impact all members of the family.

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