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An Evaluation of Practice Supervisor Training for Student Paramedics

02 April 2023
Volume 15 · Issue 4



Registered health professionals have a responsibility to facilitate learning in the workplace and those who are supporting students should have the skills and knowledge to take on this role. Paramedics are now working in a variety of healthcare settings. Regulatory bodies recognise that students should have opportunities to develop their supervision skills before qualifying, so practice supervisor training was implemented into the final year curriculum at one university.


To explore the value of incorporating practice supervisor training into the curriculum.


Final-year student paramedics were provided with practice supervisor training as part of their degree. This training was delivered over three seminars before the students’ final preregistration placement. Students were invited to provide anonymous feedback via an evaluation form.


A significant number of students felt prepared to take on the practice supervisor role when qualified.


Practice supervisor training, when delivered as part of the curriculum, is of benefit to students.

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) (2017) outlines the roles and responsibilities of registrants in supporting learning in the workplace in its education and training standards. This is supported by Pearce et al (2022), who suggest that practitioners are responsible not only for patients but also for supporting students.

As part of healthcare education programmes, students are allocated to practice placements where a specific member of staff oversees their development, offers support, facilitates learning and assesses their proficiency (O’Keefe et al, 2016).

These individuals are often registered health professionals who are suitably prepared for this additional role; they are referred to as practice educators or supervisors (O’Keefe et al, 2016). It is recognised by the College of Paramedics (CoP, 2017) that a practice educator can be referred to as a mentor or supervisor. The term practice educator will be used for the purpose of this article.

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