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Students' experience and perceived value of a clinical simulation centre

02 June 2022
Volume 14 · Issue 6



The emergence of new technology and innovation has seen dedicated simulation centres being designed and built to assist with the development of a range of professionals within the ever-changing healthcare setting. Focusing on the university environment, this study examined the extent to which paramedic students perceive these simulation centres as efficient and effective learning spaces.


Using evaluation research, data were collected from 33 students studying paramedic science at a London university. An online questionnaire was used to measure student engagement, perceived value, impact and sustainability of a simulation centre.


Participants primarily perceived the simulation centre as having high value and a good impact on their learning and development, although some concerns were raised regarding its utilisation and general usability.


While large-scale simulation centres seem beneficial to learning, they need to be fully integrated into the curriculum to maximise their impact on preparing students for their forthcoming role.

As healthcare education continues to develop, so have the variety of approaches used to deliver the various curricula. One such route is in response to the reduction of capacity within clinical settings, with simulation frequently replacing clinical hours (Aebersold, 2018). Recently, this has been more evident because of the COVID-19 pandemic, where policy change and a reduction in clinical educators available to support students led to a greater need to expand the use of simulated learning activities to supplement and replace existing teaching methods (Sani et al, 2020; Haruzivishe and Macherera, 2021; Stout et al, 2021).

For paramedics, the importance of simulation as part of the greater learning environment is recognised nationally by both their professional body (College of Paramedics, 2017) and regulator (Health and Care Professions Council, 2017).

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