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Ketamine administration by HART paramedics: a clinical audit review

02 October 2018
Volume 10 · Issue 10


Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) paramedics from a single ambulance service Trust were trained to administer ketamine up to 0.5 mg/kg for analgesia in the pre-hospital environment. The Trust's special operations department felt that, in doing so, patient care could be improved in both hazardous areas and regular pre-hospital clinical situations. After completing a written examination and scenario training on the relevant Trust patient group directive (PGD), HART paramedics were authorised from 4 July 2016 to administer ketamine autonomously. HART paramedics then retrospectively self-reported on the details of administration using a computerised auditing application called iAuditor. Data from 1 year of usage were then collated and analysed using Microsoft Excel with the aim of identifying current practice and developing recommendations for the future. Despite encountering complications, safe independent use of ketamine was demonstrated and was shown to be an effective analgesic agent in the majority of incidents. Suggested methods for developing and improving ketamine use by paramedics are discussed. Furthermore, a number of recommendations for optimising the Trust's ketamine PGD and the iAuditor template were identified. This work has provided the foundations for future audit and research.

The Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) consists of specially trained paramedics—and in some trusts, ambulance service technicians—who deliver clinical care in potentially dangerous environments to increase survival rates and improve clinical outcomes. Each of England's ten NHS Ambulance trusts, as well as Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, all have at least one HART unit. This allows the team's capabilities to reach the whole of the UK (National Ambulance Resilience Unit (NARU), 2017). South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWASFT) has two HART units—one based in Bristol and the other in Exeter.

It was deemed by SWASFT Special Operations that patient care could be improved, in both hazardous areas and regular pre-hospital clinical situations, by training and authorising HART operatives to autonomously administer ketamine up to 0.5 mg/kg for analgesia. The data available from the unit's ketamine usage were systematically audited and analysed with the aim of identifying current practice and developing recommendations for the future.

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